This document details how to backup databases in Metrohm software [tiamo, MagIC Net, StabNet and
Viva] . When a database size reaches 1GB, this backup procedure should be completed. A backup
can always be restored in the software.
1. Open software
2. Click on the Configuration, Tools -> Program administration.
a. Click New - enter a Directory name. Click on the file button and select directory location.
Metrohm recommends the C drive.
3. Click on the Database, File -> Close.
4. Click File->Database manager.
a. Record database names
5. Select a database ->click Edit -> rename by add the date. For example, tiamo 06032023 or MagIC
Net 06232023, then click OK
6. Click on Edit ->New ->enter the “original” database name from step 5. The database name must be
exactly same otherwise the method(s) will generate a Database error.
7. Select large database, click Backup, select the directory name [refer to step 2] and enter a Backup
name. Click Start
a. If the database is very large, then an error will occur stating Database is open even though
close. Exit database manager and exit software, wait 30 seconds, and then reopened and
return to Database Manager
8. Click on the Access rights tab and assign Edit rights, as needed.
9. If Automatic Backup is needed, then click on Backup tab, check both boxes. Select a date in the
future. Select the Backup directory [refer to #2].
10. Click on Monitoring tab, check Monitoring size, enter 1500. Click OK.
11. When the backup is complete,Verify the location of backup as stated in the directory in #2. The
directory will have a folder named as follows:
a. Tiamo - Determination
b. MagIC Net – IC_ Determination
c. StabNet – Stn_ Determination
d. Viva – Va_ Determination
1. If Backup or Restore is grey and not an executable tab, then the User to either tiamo or the PC
doesn’t have access or assigned rights. Contact your IT department or manager.
a. Verify that the BackupServer is running.
b. Locate C:\Program Files\Metrohm\tiamo\bin
c. Click on BackupServer
2. If Backup folder created has special characters, then the backup wasn’t properly created. Delete
the folder and Repeat [#11].